Next Gen

Our Next-Gen Ministries are the place where we serve the next generation so that they may become rooted and established in the gospel.

Redeemer Kids is our children’s ministry serving families with children from toddler age to Grade 4.  All are welcome in this friendly, safe environment. We strive to demonstrate and share our faith, and the truths of the gospel in fun, engaging, and age-appropriate ways. We believe that all kids are loved by God and can experience his presence.  We use family worship, gospel-centred teaching, relational small groups, playtime, crafts, and games to engage hearts and encourage our children to begin and grow a personal daily relationship with Jesus.

Sunday 09h00 

At Redeemer Tweens, we understand that preteens (grades 5 & 6) are undergoing a significant change in their lives. They are embracing their increasing independence, seeking to discover their identity and beliefs, and yearning for a sense of belonging within a community. As they move from a generalized faith of “what do we believe”, they will begin asking the question, “What do I believe”. We foster an environment where they can explore these aspects safely, centered around Christ, with dedicated leaders actively engaged in their journey. Our focus is on nurturing their faith, creating enjoyable experiences, and cultivating meaningful friendships”

Sunday 09h00 & Friday 17h30-18h30

We are a youth group of ordinary people following an extraordinary Redeemer. Join us as we dive deep into God’s Word, tackle life’s big questions, and grow together in discipleship. Through vibrant discussions and interactive studies, we’re on a journey of transformation, striving to reflect Christ more each day. You will find that we are a welcoming community filled with fun, friendships, and faith-building experiences. Come to explore, learn, and grow as we seek to become more like Christ in all we do.

Wednesday Small Group- 17h00-18h30
Friday 19h15-21h15